Mavi Sanchez-Vives, medical doctor and PhD in Neurosciences is ICREA Research Professor at the IDIBAPS (Institute of Biomedical Research August Pi i Sunyer) in Barcelona where she is the Head of the Systems Neuroscience Group. She is co-Director of the EVENT Lab (Experimental Virtual Environments in Neuroscience and Technology) at the University of Barcelona, where she is Adjunct Professor of the Department of Basic Psychology. She previously held a position as Associate Professor of Physiology at the Medical School and Group leader at the Institute of Neurosciences of Alicante (University Miguel Hernandez-CSIC). Dr. Sanchez-Vives was a postdoctoral fellow at Rockefeller University and at Yale University. Her main interests include the generation of brain rhythmic activity and neurotechnology for brain interfacing. She also leads a line of research on multisensory integration in virtual reality and “embodiment” of virtual bodies and its applications in medicine and psychology, being one of the founders of Virtual Bodyworks Inc. She is currently a partner in the Human Brain Project and in the Graphene flagship, leading in the first one a workpackage on “Brain networks underlying cognition and consciousness”.